And that's it. I turned in my last paper the other day and just finished with our capstone poster session an hour and a half ago. No more school work and I get my "life" back—accept for that having to work part. I gave a presentation about my project to a great group of people at work and it sounds like my findings are at least getting people to talk about some of the issues with the interface again, even if they don't end up implementing my suggestions exactly as I laid them out. It's nice to know my work will go to some use. I really can't believe this is the end. Part of me is really glad to have it behind me and the other doesn't know what I'll do now. I'm just looking forward to going on vacation in three weeks to
Alaska and Canada.
Standing around for four hours waiting for people to come talk to you about your project while dressed up in "professional" clothes (and shoes) frankly sucks but I did get five business cards and two solid job leads, so that was pretty cool. I had even made up my own business cards with just my information to hand out. Those will be good for other general networking events too. Really, my last,
last day is 19 May since that is graduation day with three separate events but still, it feels great knowing I don't have to get up early and study anymore. So long, iSchool.
Capstone Poster [PDF]
Rachele presenting her capstone poster at the iSchool |